Boarding a puppy or kitten
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Getting a new puppy or kitten is such an exciting time for a family! It takes time to settle them in to their new environment, and it is important to spend as much time as a family unit in those first few months getting to know your new furkid and helping them adjust to their new home.
It might be necessary during those first few critical months to board your pet, and this can be nerve racking when it is the first time that they will be away from you. One of the biggest factors is knowing the safety aspects involved when boarding your puppy or kitten, to ensure that they meet the requirements to be able to stay at a Pet Care facility.
One of the most important things is to ensure that they are old enough to have completed all their required vaccinations before being in an environment with other pets. Puppies and kittens both need to be vaccinated against a variety of diseases that can cause significant health problems whilst they have an immature immune system, and usually this takes a series of vaccinations done sequentially in the first 4 months of life.
Vaccination schedules can vary greatly between different manufacturers of the vaccines, and also different veterinary practices depending on their preference, so it is important to ensure that your pet has had everything they need before making contact with other animals in a pet care facility. Usually, a puppy will require a minimum of a C5 vaccination, and a kitten will require a minimum of an F3 vaccination prior to boarding, and this is usually fully completed by around 16-18 weeks of age. It is important to check in with each individual pet care facility to ask about their requirements for boarding and ensure that your new fur baby has had everything that they need to safely socialise.
If you puppy or kitten is due to be de-sexed, it is best to check your travel dates and touch base with your pet care facility prior to boarding. As there is a recovery time for these surgeries, and they will have stiches, it is often best to ensure that they are home until they are fully healed prior to attending a pet care facility for boarding or day care.
The last thing to consider is how social your new pet is. Is it important to socialise a puppy? The answer is yes – very important!
Being proactive when it comes to socialising your new pet is one of the most important responsibilities families have. It has many benefits, as it will help influence the behaviour of the puppy or kitten to assist them in growing into happy, fear-free, well-adjusted adult dogs and cats who relate well to other animals also other people.
Pet care facilities that offer services such as pet boarding and doggie day care are a great way to assist in socialisation skills for your new pet. Once they are old enough to be fully immunised, the sooner that they are introduced to a pet care facility the better. That way, when families need to travel, it is much easier for the pets to settle in and have a great holiday away from home!
Give our team a call on 3203 3332 if you need to book your new furkid in for day care or a holiday!
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